the hole 2023, Germany, Weimar

a hole that stretches the boundaries between spatial perceptions

The hole aims to emphasize different usages and perceptions of the same place between different types of users. The Main Building of Bauhaus Universität is considered monumental, therefore tours are organized everyday. This causes the visitation of tourists besides the daily use of students, academic staff and various officials, thus the number of users and accordingly the experiences are also diversified. The project acts as a peephole, stretching the boundaries between these two users.

A single space is able to provide us endless possibilities of use. Not defining a place with a fixed program causes all uses to be “misuse”. The fact that the Main Building of Bauhaus-Universität functions as a school and a museum at the same time creates many misuses and different perceptions of the building by different types of users. While it is thought as a meaningful place for someone who is here as a tourist, it may refer to different things and relations for a student who spends every day there. The conceptual project acts as a peephole., stretching the boundaries between these two usages and the spatial separation between both. The hole itself, aims to represent the gap between the perceptions of different users. Thus, different gazes are addressed, and: Who knows, maybe tourists are very curious about the life of the students behind the limits of the touristic space?



Team members : E. Imre Bilgin

Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Mona Mahall, Dr. Sabine Zierold, Yelta Köm, Brian Larson Clark

Institution : Bauhaus Universität Weimar


Technical Concept : Two cameras are placed at eye level during a regular class and the room was recorded in two different angles. The combination of pre-recorded videos are displayed through the hole, showing that nothing extraordinary is happening behind the walls that tourists are not allowed to reach.


Imre Bilgin

Imre Bilgin

Imre Bilgin

Imre Bilgin

Imre Bilgin

Imre Bilgin

Imre Bilgin